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I am, by day, a first grade teacher and, when not at school, a health and fitness coach.  I have a deep desire to promote health and longevity in others and am on a mission to end the trend of obesity in America.  It is my desire to walk along side you as you make your way on the road to better health and treating your body as a temple and loving it all along the journey.


We were asked one day at church to write down our calling.  I had always wondered...had always asked God, "What is it that you want me to do here?"  I have prayed for guidance for as long as I can remember.  So when it came to me that one day, sitting in church, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops....but I didn't.  (That might have been weird.) 


Instead I walked over to the metal piece we were all writing on with Sharpies and I wrote my calling is "helping women to love themselves and their bodies exactly where they are, through the love of Christ."  Boom.  There it was.  I wrote it down.  So that's what I do.  (P.S.  I help men too.  I just feel like women, as a majority struggle with loving and taking care of themselves.)


I have written blog, Overwhelmed Heart, for over 3 years about my journey to health, both physically and spiritually.  It started as a way to communicate my training for a half-marathon to my friends and family back home, when I had moved 5 hours away and it turned into me sharing the ups and downs in such a way that I began to inspire others.  That's when my calling began.


My busiess, as my life, is based on faith.  Jesus is number one in my life and the only way that I can do anything.  He plays a huge role in my training here at Niki Ferguson Fitness.


I would love to help you on your journey.  I know it can be intimidating and I know it can be scary.  But you can do this.  I know you can.


When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  -Psalm 61:2

Here's a little about me...

Challenge Groups
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